Monday, May 7, 2018


  • For EACH class other than advisory:
    • Your goal for the final exam grade in the class (for AVID this is the review packet grade)
    • Your goal for your overall grade in that class (remember, your final is 20% and each quarter is 40%)
    • Write the one concept/chapter you need to study the most (for AVID pick something you would study if there was an exam)
      • Write one complete sentence explaining why it was the most confusing
    • Write the one concept/chapter you understood the most
      • Draw one illustration that goes along with the chapter
    • List 2 ways you will SPECIFICALLY study for each class (do not have to do this for AVID)

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Country Project Revisions

  • Pretend that you are a pen pals with someone from a different country. They are curious to know
what life is like in the United States. Write them a letter including all of the information listed below.

    1. Location
    2. Language spoken
    3. Population
    4. Religion
    5. Currency
    6. Capital city
    7. Form of government
    8. Flag
  • Education
    1. Is it required?
    2. Who gets educated?
    3. What kind of education is received?
  • Holidays and Festivals
    1. What major holidays does this country celebrate?
    2. What celebrations are unique to this country?
  • Everyday life
    1. Food
    2. Music
    3. Entertainment/Sports
    4. Art
  • Select one issue you want to research about your country here:
    • Describe the issue
    • Describe any legislation or action steps taken
    • Any data or statistics
    • If you were a government representative or leader of this country, what steps would you take to resolve this issue?

Teacher Appreciation

May 9, 2019 It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Use the class time to create a message for a teacher that you are thankful for. Y...