Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Tutoring Thursday

August 31, 2017

  • Powerschool
    • Log onto power school
    • What is your GPA?
    • What are your current grades?
    • Do you have any zeros?
      • What assignments and what will you do to make them up by TOMORROW!
  • Tutoring
    • If you need help from a teacher you have to get them to sign off BEFORE advisory
    • You need to be working the entire time!
      • Work on missing assignments
      • Do revisons
      • Work on your Cornell notes
      • Organize your binder

Monday, August 28, 2017

Club Interest Survey

Transformation Tuesday

    • August 29. 2017

    • With your group:
        • Look online or in the newspaper and find an article that proves that this is an actual problem in Sanford
        • If it is an online article email me the link at
        • Create a TPEQEA paragraph explaining how this is an issue in Sanford, why is needs to be fixed, and how can it be fixed
          • Use a quote from the article 
          • Use your own experience and opinions as well
      • Once your paragraph is complete you are going to create a collage that shows your issue and must include:
        • Your TPEQEA paragraph (I can print this off for you or you can write it)
        • Quote:  any quote about your issue (make sure to put the author)
        • Song lyrics that relate to your issue (make sure to put the song and the singer/writer)
        • Chart/graph showing statistics about this issue (send to my email)
          • *This can be on a bigger scale than just Sanford
        • 8 words related to your issue (cut out of magazines/newspapers)
        • 5 pictures related to your issue (cut out of magazines/newspapers)
        • 5 careers that could help this issue AND how they can help
        • realistic action steps that could be put in place to help your problem in Sanford
        • Display everything in a neat and creative way on the poster!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Club Bingo

  • Go around to each room and talk to the representatives in there
  • Fill out the Club Fair Bingo sheet as you go around
    • Get all the questions answered
  • Think about which clubs you will be interested in since you will have to pick three to go to

Tutoring Thursday

  • Tutoring
    • If you need help from a teacher you have to get them to sign off BEFORE advisory
    • You need to be working the entire time!
      • Work on missing assignments
      • Do revisions
      • Work on your Cornell notes
      • Organize your binder

Friday, August 18, 2017

Family Friday

Group Counting!

Invite students to stand in a circle. Introduce the activity: Our task is to count from 1 to 18 out loud, in random order, with each group member offering one number at a time. If two people say a number at the same time, the game stops and begins again with 1. Explain that anyone can say a number whenever they wish, although they cannot say two numbers in a row. To begin, ask everyone to close their eyes or focus on the floor in the center of the circle, then say, Go

Monday, August 14, 2017

Transformation Tuesday

August 15, 2017

Transformation Tuesday: YOU can make a difference in your community 

I CAN make my community a better place!

  • Think about our Sanford Community
    • What do you think are the three biggest issues Sanford currently faces?
    • Rank them from 1-3 (1 is the biggest problem that needs to be fixed)
    • Write an explanation of WHY each is an issue
  • How to Change the World
    • How can you change the world?
  • With your group:
      • Look online or in the newspaper and find an article that proves that this is an actual problem in Sanford
      • If it is an online article email me the link at
      • Create a TPEQEA paragraph explaining how this is an issue in Sanford, why is needs to be fixed, and how can it be fixed
        • Use a quote from the article 
        • Use your own experience and opinions as well
    • Once your paragraph is complete you are going to create a collage that shows your issue and must include:
      • Your TPEQEA paragraph (I can print this off for you or you can write it)
      • Quote:  any quote about your issue (make sure to put the author)
      • Song lyrics that relate to your issue (make sure to put the song and the singer/writer)
      • Chart/graph showing statistics about this issue (send to my email)
        • *This can be on a bigger scale than just Sanford
      • 8 words related to your issue (cut out of magazines/newspapers)
      • 5 pictures related to your issue (cut out of magazines/newspapers)
      • 5 careers that could help this issue AND how they can help
      • realistic action steps that could be put in place to help your problem in Sanford
      • Display everything in a neat and creative way on the poster!

Motivational Monday

I CAN set goals for my future!
    • LEC Goals Contract
    • Think of your goals for this year, your time at LEC, and your time after LEC
    • How will you achieve your goals?
  • Sticky Note questions:
    • What are you excited about for your freshman year at LEC?
    • What are you nervous about for your freshman year at LEC?
    • What is one question you have about your freshman year at LEC?
  • Go through the sticky notes:
    • Put checks on ones you are also excited about/scared about for your freshman year.
    • If you know the answers to the questions write them on there.
      • We will answer any questions that no one knew the answer to.
    • Find a partner that is nervous about the same things so that you can support each other throughout the year

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Thirsty for Knowledge Thursday

  • Study skills
    • How successful were your studying skills freshmen year from a scale of 1-10 (10 being you were PERFECT)?
      • Explain in one complete sentence your answer.
    • Pick from the list the thing you were best at last year
      • Give an example of a time this helped you as a freshman
    • Pick from the list the thing you need to improve on the most 
      • Give an example of a time that you did not do this well as a freshman
        • Time Management
        • Concentration and Memory
        • Note-taking
        • Testing 
        • Strategic Learning (Organization and Planning)
        • Attitude/Motivation
        • Reading 
        • Writing 
  • Study Skills Self Assessment
    • Take the self-assessment HONESTLY
    • Submit the form
      • Write the three sections you scored the highest in
        • Write down HOW continuing to do these things well will help you succeed this year for EACH of the three
      • Write the three sections you scores the lowest in
        • Write down HOW you will improve for EACH of the three (you can use what their suggestions but do NOT copy...also, do not write down the suggested courses)
    • Which of your current classes are you most worried about for the semester?
      • In two complete sentences explain how having good study skills like the ones listed will help you be successful in this course

Monday, August 7, 2017

Transformation Tuesday

Transformation Tuesday: YOU can make a difference in your community 

I CAN make my community a better place!

  • Think about our Sanford Community
    • What do you think are the three biggest issues Sanford currently faces?
    • Rank them from 1-3 (1 is the biggest problem that needs to be fixed)
    • Write an explanation of WHY each is an issue
  • How to Change the World
    • How can you change the world?
  • With your group:
      • Look online or in the newspaper and find an article that proves that this is an actual problem in Sanford
      • If it is an online article email me the link at
      • Create a TPEQEA paragraph explaining how this is an issue in Sanford, why is needs to be fixed, and how can it be fixed
        • Use a quote from the article 
        • Use your own experience and opinions as well
    • Once your paragraph is complete you are going to create a collage that shows your issue and must include:
      • Your TPEQEA paragraph (I can print this off for you or you can write it)
      • Quote:  any quote about your issue (make sure to put the author)
      • Song lyrics that relate to your issue (make sure to put the song and the singer/writer)
      • Chart/graph showing statistics about this issue (send to my email)
        • *This can be on a bigger scale than just Sanford
      • 8 words related to your issue (cut out of magazines/newspapers)
      • 5 pictures related to your issue (cut out of magazines/newspapers)
      • 5 careers that could help this issue AND how they can help
      • realistic action steps that could be put in place to help your problem in Sanford
      • Display everything in a neat and creative way on the poster!

    Sunday, August 6, 2017


    August 7, 2017

    • Schedule

    8:00-8:30 -Advisory
    8:35- 9:15 -Meeting
    9:20- 10:20- 1st block
    10:24- 11:24- 2nd block
    11:28- 1:18 3rd block
    1:22- 2:45- 4th block

    • Collect Paperwork

    • Student Handbook Review

    • Student Soundtrack

    • Throughout our lives, many of us find songs that resonate with our thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc.
      Find one song that represents your life at the current moment.

      List out the artist's name and title of the song.
      Then, provide a 2-3 sentence explanation as to why you picked that song to include on your personal soundtrack.

      We will share these to the class through a gallery walk.

      Image result for music art quotes

    Teacher Appreciation

    May 9, 2019 It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Use the class time to create a message for a teacher that you are thankful for. Y...