Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Transformation Tuesday Plan

  • Create a plan of how to make this happen and a schedule of what we will do each week to be submitted to Ms. Derr.
  • This plan should be a formal project proposal.  Make sure that you are using academic language, complete sentences, and critical thinking.
  • Use a collaborative Google Doc to create the proposal, making sure that everyone is contributing ideas. 
  • Advisory Project Proposal

    • Who specifically are we helping
    • When do we want to have this completed
    • What do we want to include
    • What do we need to buy
    • What can be donated
    • How will we tell everyone about donations

Friday, October 27, 2017

Morale Monday

October 30, 2017

I CAN identify stress in my life and learn to manage it.
  • Setbacks
    • Create a list of setbacks:
      • A  student can face 
      • A person at a normal working age can face (25-55)
      • A retired person can face (55 +)
        • *5 for each and cannot repeat
  • Personal Setbacks
    • What is a time you experienced a set back?
    • How did you react?
    • How could you have reacted differently
  • Everyone experiences setbacks!
    • Identify a leader that interests you
      • You can use this link or find others:  
      • Famous People that Failed the First Time
      • Research their accomplishments and write them down (at least 5)
      • Research their setbacks and write them down (at least 3)
        • Explain how EACH setback influenced that person
      • Respond to your research (respond in a COMPLETE sentence for each)
        • How did this person respond to setbacks?
        • How would the world be changed if this person gave up?
        • What can you learn from this person?

Family Friday

Drama Survey

Formal Survey 

Club Change Request Form 

Monday, October 23, 2017


I CAN identify stress in my life and learn to manage it.
  • Anxiety definition:
  • Test Anxiety definition:
    • Talk with your table and write the definition of test anxiety
    • Formal Definition:
      • “Test anxiety is defined as a fear of failing that you feel before or while taking an important examination, such as the SAT, that prevents you from performing as well as you otherwise could on the exam”
  • Quickwrite
    • For 2 minutes write about your experiences with anxiety
      • Examples of anxiety
      • Causes of anxiety
      • Ways to cope with anxiety
  • Thinking Traps and Test Anxiety
    • Read through the thinking traps individually
      • Highlight the three that you struggle with the most
  • Strategies to Consider for Reducing Test Anxiety
    • Star strategies you have used
    • Highlight strategies that you think will help you
      • These can be ones you have used or haven't used
    • Put Xs next to ones you do not think will help you
  • Realistic Thinking Log
    • Write down 5 situations or triggers that are coming up this semester that cause anxiety
      • These can be school related or not school related
    • Write down your anxious or worrisome thought
    • Write down realistic thoughts

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Transformation Tuesday Planning

Obj: I can make my community a better place.

  • Anonymous class vote on which project we want to move forward with from two weeks ago.
  • Create a plan of how to make this happen and a schedule of what we will do each week to be submitted to Ms. Derr.
    • Who specifically are we helping
    • When do we want to have this completed
    • What do we want to include
    • What do we need to buy
    • What can be donated
    • How will we tell everyone about donations

Monday, October 16, 2017

Motivational Monday: Stress

I CAN identify stress in my life and learn to manage it.
  • Watch the video on stress as a class:
  • Stress definition:
    • Talk with your table and write the definition of stress on the board
    • Formal Definition:
      • “Stress is the body’s way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina and heightened alertness. “

        “Events that trigger stress responses are called stressors. “

        “Usually we think of stressors as being bad or hard things, but even exciting or fun things like having a party or competing in something we enjoy can be stressful.”
  • Individually read the article
    • Which situations cause stress?
      • As a table write down as many as you can in 3 minutes
    • What are ways to manage stress?
      • As a table write down as many as you can in 3 minutes
  • Read Keep Stress Under Control
    • Put check marks next to things you wrote down
    • Add things you didn't
    • Put stars next to ways that will help you the most!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Image result for drop everything and read

Transformation Tuesday

October 3, 2017


Preparing for Presentations: (10 minutes)
Each group member must speak.  Avoid reading from the poster as much as possible.
Goal = Make it clear why your project is most feasible and important for our advisory to do

Presenting: (10 minutes)Each group will get approximately 3 minutes.

SLANT as others present.
Image result for do your best

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Motivational Monday

Teacher Appreciation

May 9, 2019 It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Use the class time to create a message for a teacher that you are thankful for. Y...