Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Letters Continued

  • August 29 and 30, 2018
  • Starter: (5 minutes)

  • Structure of a Letter: (5 minutes)
    • Review the sample letter
    • What do you notice about the structure of this letter?

  • Letter Writing: (10 minutes)
  • Write a letter to a potential incoming student.
      • Discuss LEC
        • You could discuss your personal goals and why you applied
        • You could discuss what you knew about the school and why you applied
      • What resources does LEC offer to help you meet your goals?
        • Make sure it is clear what your goals are (it doesn’t have to be super specific)
      • What resources are available to you as an early college student?
        • Think LEC and CCCC resources

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Letter Writing

  • August 28, 2018

  • Starter: (5-10 minutes)
    • Have you ever received a handwritten letter?
      • When did you receive this letter?
      • What event was associated with the letter?
      • How did it feel to receive a handwritten letter versus an text?
    • Think-Write-Pair-Share

At the end of this week, you will be writing a letter to a younger student discussing LEC.

  • What Makes a Letter “Good?”: (10 minutes)
    • Research tips for writing a  letter
      • Find two tips
      • Add to an index card
    • Mingle

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Chalk Talk

August 23, 2018

Why do you think many colleges and universities want to know if high school students were active in extracurricular activities?

What club or activity would you like to see the school add? What teacher do you think would be a good sponsor?

Why do you think that schools pay attention to the grades of students who are members of teams? Is this a good idea?

Friday, August 17, 2018


August 20, 2018

Use this time to work on assignments and ask for help.

Remember you already have three assignments posted in PowerSchools.  If you do not have these three assignments completed I suggest you start here.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Vision Board

August 16, 2018

Create a visual to represent your goal and how you will attain it. 


  • Clearly state what your goal is.
  • Include a minimum of FIVE images that represent your goal.
  • Write an inspirational quote to stay positive through the process.
  • Include FIVE words that are motivational.
  • Neat and colorful 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Reaching My Goals

  1. Open the copy of the Reaching My Goals sheet.
  2. Fill out the front part about your educational goals. Use your reflection from yesterday if you need it.
  3. Make sure your goals are SMART:
    1. Specific
    2. Measurable
    3. Attainable
    4. Realistic
    5. Time-Bound
  4. Then fill out the back part with your personal goals.
  5. Make sure those goals are also SMART.
  6. We’ll share our goals as a class.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Goal Setting

August 14, 2018

  1. What were your goals from last year?
  2. What did you do to accomplish your goals?
  3. What problems or setbacks did you face last year?
  4. What challenge will be your biggest this year?
  5. What do you need to improve on for this year?
  6. How do you want to grow/change during your time at LEC?
  7. If you were given 3 wishes for anything, what would you wish for?
  8. If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
  9. If you had a 6 month break from school what would you do with your time?
  10. If you could accomplish anything in the world, what would you do?

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Time Capsule

August 7, 2018

Time Capsule

Today you will fill out a worksheet based on information that will be held in a time capsule for the whole year.  During the last week we will reopen it to see how everyone has changed.

Tonight bring something in you would like to place in the time capsule that is important to you.

Also,  tomorrow we will decorate the time capsule to make it special for the class.  Think about different ways you would like to design it.

Teacher Appreciation

May 9, 2019 It's Teacher Appreciation Week! Use the class time to create a message for a teacher that you are thankful for. Y...